Dr.-Ing. Jan Schäfer

- I am working now as a Software Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting in Munich.

Dissertation (PhD Thesis)
In my PhD thesis I developed a novel concurrency concept for class-based object-oriented languages called the cobox model. The cobox model generalizes active objects to concurrently running groups of objects. The ECOOP 2010 paper gives a good overview. A compiler for JCoBox, a Java-like language, which integrates the CoBox concept can be downloaded here.
A Programming Model and Language for Concurrent and Distributed Object-Oriented Systems. Jan Schäfer Dissertation. University of Kaiserslautern, 2010. Verlag Dr. Hut. ISBN: 978-3-86853-833-5 Buy Hardcover |
Mein Dissertations-Hut
In the tradition of our research group, my colleagues created this hat for my thesis defense.
- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability with the HATS Abstract Behavioral Modeling Language. D. Clarke, N. Diakov, R. Hähnle, E. Broch Johnsen, I. Schaefer, J. Schäfer, R. Schlatte, P. Y. H. Wong. Formal Methods for Eternal Networked Software Systems. M. Bernardo, V. Issarny (eds.), Springer, 2011. SpringerLink
- ABS: A Core Language for Abstract Behavioral Specification. Einar Broch Johnsen, Reiner Hähnle, Jan Schäfer, Rudolf Schlatte, Martin Steffen. In: Post Conf. Proceedings 9th Intl. Symposium on Formal Methods for Components and Objects, FMCO 2010. LNCS, Springer, to appear, 2011
- Location Types for Safe Distributed Object-Oriented Programming. Yannick Welsch and Jan Schäfer. In: 49th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components and Patterns (TOOLS Europe 2011). LNCS 6705, Springer, pp. 194-210., June, 2011. SpringerLink
- JCoBox: Generalizing Active Objects to Concurrent Components. Jan Schäfer and Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter. In: 24th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2010). LNCS 6183, Springer, pp. 275-299, 2010. Download Page SpringerLink
- A Calculus for Boxes and Traits in a Java-like Setting. Lorenzo Bettini, Ferruccio Damiani, Marco De Luca, Kathrin Geilmann, and Jan Schäfer. In: 12th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION). LNCS 6116, 2010.Download Page SpringerLink
- Writing Concurrent Desktop Applications in an Actor-Based Programming Model. Jan Schäfer and Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Multicore Software Engineering (IWMSE10). ACM, pp. 2-9, May, 2010. Download Page DOI
- CoBoxes: Unifying Active Objects and Structured Heaps. Jan Schäfer and Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter. In: 10th IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems (FMOODS 2008). LNCS, volume 5051, Springer, pp. 201-219, 2008. Download Page SpringerLink
- Linking Programs to Architectures: An Object-Oriented Hierarchical Software Model based on Boxes. Jan Schäfer, Markus Reitz, Jean-Marie Gaillourdet, and Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter. In: A. Rausch et al. ed., The Common Component Modeling Example: Comparing Software Component Models. LNCS, volume 5153, Springer, pp. 238–266, 2008. Download Page SpringerLink
- A Representation-Independent Behavioral Semantics for Object-Oriented Components. Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter and Jan Schäfer. In: 9th IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems (FMOODS 2007). LNCS, volume 4468, Springer, p. 157-173, June, 2007. Download Page SpringerLink.
- A Parameterized Type System for Simple Loose Ownership Domains. Jan Schäfer and Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter. In: Journal of Object Technology, 5(6):71-100. June, 2007. JOT Online Article.
- Immutable Objects for Java-like languages. Christian Haack, Erik Poll, Jan Schäfer, and Aleksy Schubert. In: Rocco De Nicola ed., 16th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP ’07). LNCS, volume 4421, Springer, p. 347–362, March, 2007. Won the ETAPS award for the best theory paper at ETAPS. SpringerLink
- Infering Ownership Types for Encapsulated Object-Oriented Program Components. Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter, Kathrin Geilmann, and Jan Schäfer. In: T. Reps, M. Sagiv, and J. Bauer ed., Program Analysis and Compilation, Theory and Practice: Essays Dedicated to Reinhard Wilhelm on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. LNCS, volume 4444, Springer, p. 120–144, 2007. SpringerLink
- Simple Loose Ownership Domains. Jan Schäfer and Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter. In: ECOOP Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs, FTfJP 2006. July, 2006. Download Page.
- Simple Loose Ownership Domains: Ein Typsystem zur Kapselung von Objekten. Jan Schäfer, Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter. In: 23. Workshop der Fachgruppe Programmiersprachen und Rechenkonzepte. Softwaretechnik-Trends, volume 26, number 2, Gesellschaft für Informatik, May, 2006 (in german). Download Page.
- Simple Loose Ownership Domains - TR. Jan Schäfer and Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter. Technical Report, number 348/06, Department of Computer Science, University of Kaiserslautern, March, 2006. Download Page.
- Modular Specification of Encapsulated Object-Oriented Components . Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter and Jan Schäfer. In: Frank S. de Boer, Marcello M. Bonsangue, Susanne Graf, Willem-Paul de Roever ed., Formal Methods for Components and Objects, Fourth International Symposium, FMCO 2005. LNCS, volume 4111, Springer, p. 313–341, 2006. Download Page SpringerLink.
Non-Doctoral Theses
- Encapsulation and Specification of Object-Oriented Runtime Components. Jan Schäfer. Diplomarbeit (Master’s Thesis). Technische Universität Kaiserslautern. September, 2004. Download Page.
- Generating Order-Sorted Data Types in Java. Jan Schäfer. Projektarbeit. Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Software Technology Group. Februrary, 2004. Download Page
- “Modeling and Analyzing of Variable Distributed Systems using ABS”. 2nd COST Action Training School. Limerick, Ireland. (together with Richard Bubel)
- “Core ABS: Language and Tools”. 2nd HATS EU Review, March 2011. Brussels, Belgium. (Talk and Tool Demo)
- “The Abstract Behavioral Specification Language (ABS)”. FMCO. November 2010. Graz, Austria (given on behalf of Martin Steffen)
- “The ABS Tool Chain”. FMCO. November 2010. Graz, Austria. (Talk and Tool Demo)
- “A Programming Model and Language for Concurrent and Distributed Object-Oriented Systems”. PhD defense. November 2010. Kaiserslautern, Germany. Slides
- “ABS Tools”. 2nd HATS Annual Meeting. September 2010. Kaiserslautern, Germany. (Talk and Tool Demo)
- “ABS Module System”. 2nd HATS Annual Meeting. September 2010. Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- “JCoBox: Generalizing Active Objects to Concurrent Components”. ECOOP. June 2010. Maribor, Slovenia.
- “Writing Concurrent Desktop Applications in an Actor-Based Programming Model”. IWMSE. 1 May 2010. Cap Town, South Africa. Slides.
- “Trading System Case Study”. HATS Annual Meeting. September 2009. Gothenburg, Sweden.
- “CoBoxes: Distributed Heaps with Cooperative Tasks”. HATS WP1 Task 1.1 Meeting. June 2009. Bologna, Italy. Slides
- “CoBoxes: Distributed Heaps with Cooperative Tasks”. HATS Kick-Off Meeting. March 2009. Bologna, Italy.
- “CoBoxes: Unifying Active Objects and Structured Heaps”. DisCoTec. June 2008. Oslo, Norway.
- “Linking Programs to Architectures: An Object-Oriented Hierarchical Software Model based on Boxes”. Dagstuhl Research Seminar on the CoCoME-Contest, August 2007. Dagstuhl, Germany.
- “Simple Loose Ownership Domains”. ECOOP Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs, FTfJP. July 2006. Nantes, France.
- “Simple Loose Ownership Domains”. 23. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe Programmiersprachen und Rechenkonzepte. May 2006. Bad Honnef, Germany.
- “Kapselung von Objekt-orientierten Komponenten”. 13. Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung, KPS’05. October 2005. Fischbachau, Germany.
Research Funding
- 2009 - 2011: By the project “Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Models” (HATS), which is funded by the European Union within the programme “Future and Emerging Technologies” (FET)
- 2005 - 2008: By the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)