Dr. rer. nat. Patrick Michel

E-Mail-Adresse | uni[at]pbmichel.de |
- J.-M. Gaillourdet, P. Michel, A. Poetzsch-Heffter, N. Rauch: A Generic Functional Representation of Sorted Trees Supporting Attribution, DOI, 2013, in Programming Logics, Essays in Memory of Harald Ganzinger, LNCS 7797, pp. 72-89, Springer
- P. Michel, A. Poetzsch-Heffter: Verifying and Generating WP Transformers for Procedures on Complex Data, (pdf) ITP 2012, August 13-15, 2012, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
- P. Michel, A. Poetzsch-Heffter: Maintaining XML Data Integrity in Programs - An Abstract Datatype Approach (pdf), SOFSEM 2010, January 23-29, 2010, Špindleruv Mlýn, Czech Republic
- P. Michel, A. Poetzsch-Heffter: Assertion Support for Manipulating Constrained Data-Centric XML (pdf), PLAN-X 2009, January 24, 2009, Savannah, Georgia, USA
- P. Michel: A Formal Framework for Maintaining the Integrity of Structured Data (ISBN 978-3-8439-1480-2), PhD thesis, University of Kaiserslautern, July, 2013
- P. Michel: Specification and Analysis of Constrained XML Documents (pdf), Master’s Thesis (Diplomarbeit), University of Kaiserslautern, July, 2007
- P. Michel: Static Guarantees for Algorithms on Constrained XML Documents (pdf), Project Report, University of Kaiserslautern, December, 2006
Projects & Tools
- Creator of the XCend approach, theory and tool stack
- Main designer of the STAT system (live system).
- Main developer and maintainer of the Katja tool for “the generation of rich Java libraries for order-sorted, immutable datatypes from concise specifications”.
- Consultant of the “Emergence” project of the Software-Cluster.
- Main teaching assistant for the beginners course “Software-Entwicklung I” in the winter terms 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13. Responsible for exercise planning and execution, as well as 10 student teaching assistants.
- Main teaching assistant for the Master’s course “Specification and Verification with Higher-Order Logic” in the summer terms 2010, 2011 and 2012. Responsible for exercise planning and execution, as well as assisting the creation and improvement of the course.
- Teaching assistant for the Master’s course “Compiler and Language-Processing Tools” in the summer term 2013.
- Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Thesis “Self-contained digital forms based on web browser technologies”, by Sebastian Fuchs.
- Supervisor of the Master’s Thesis “A Principle Language for Object-Oriented Design”, April 15, 2013, by Christian Rehn.
- Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Thesis “Eine leichtgewichtige Schnittstelle zwischen digitalen Formularen und heterogenen Datenbeständen”, February 7, 2013, by Mark Müller.
- Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Thesis “Simplification of Safe Kleene Predicate Logic Formulas”, February 7, 2013, by Sebastian Wolff.
- Supervisor of the Master’s Thesis “Verification of Software Architectures using Static Code Analysis for Java”, September 26, 2012, by Malte Brunnlieb.
- Supervisor of the Master’s Thesis “Data Binding for Schemata with Integrity Constraints and Atomic Procedures - A Generative Approach for Object-Oriented Languages”, August 30, 2012, by Thomas Fischer.
- Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Thesis “Systematische Beschreibung und Werkzeugunterstützung textueller Produktlinien”, March 2012, by Marc Dahlem.
- Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Thesis “Digital Structured Forms Supporting Flexible Workflows”, March 30, 2012, by Christian Fillibeck.
- Supervisor of the Master’s Thesis “Specification and Generation of User Interfaces Based on Method-Oriented Dialog Flows”, March 29, 2011, by Artun Subasi.
- Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Thesis “Katja/XML Data Binding”, August 24, 2010, by Thomas Fischer.
- Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Thesis “Generierung der Services der Registerarchitektur”, April 30, 2010, by Florian Strauß.